... constantly working out the details...

... constantly working out the details...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Down with the flu

My Girllfriend is down with the flu, and it sucks, sxhe has been puking and aching all day. I think she got it from the dog. anyway, i have decided that drinking beer is the best way to for me to avoid this problem. ( the logic on this is really long and complicated, and took me four beers to work out myself)

Any way, I recently got a letter from jack Livingston, asking for my top ten events in baltimore 2006...

I dont know if i have ten, but i ll do what i can

The absolute best thing i saw this year was by far Tim Scofield here is an old link to last years performance

everything seemed to flow right for tim that night. his biggest problem was too many people showed up for the show. he had four flying machines this year, and each flyers movements were choreographed beautifuly to line move with the others and the music.

congradulations tim, i cant wait to see next year. wish i had pictures


Open studio weekend.

What a cool weekend that was.tons of artists in baltimore showing off thier work, the good folks at AREA 405 having an awesome barbecue and If you happened to catch it FLUGTAG!!!! Lets face it, if you are going to go see a corporately sponsored dorky thing, this is the one to go see. A sculptors wet nightmare.

Alright so The janus show at MAP. There was a lot of cool work inthere, inculding the autopsy of a chair.

The amos and andy show, martin and lewis? whatever it was, it was a collaboration show and several people i know did nice work for it, while other people i know made garbage.

but, a good show none the less

The DC baltimore richmod exchange show. Happened, like most of these events while i was away, but i had knew many folks from around who did great projects for this show as well.

Louise Bourgeois at the contemporary/ walters

(shameless self promotion) my first solo show in the area, at the MD federation of art. (Which none of my professors at the University of Maryland attended. bull shit i say! just ballsy. fuck em all i guess)

Vincent Donarski at artscape

hmmm what else?

Election Day

when cheney shot that guy in the face

rumsfeld retires (very chickenshit i think)

fourth of july

chicken salad

barbra walters

my buddy pete

sorry, thats a whle different list.

must go to sleep now, flu remedy working great, dont care about post anymore, no spellcheck

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Skin lotion

I dont have a very good sense of smell. I rarely notice things like perfume, (or my own horrible so i am told BO.) i love the way my girlfriend smells after she has a shower and puts on lotion.

Its funny the small things you miss.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

its the return of the ....

So, jay z and i chose to come out of retirement at the same time, wierd right? Lots of things are happening right now, things like this...

so that rules, but there has been others as well. for example, i am going to estonia in a few weeks, for a few months to study under Villu Jaanisoo and wont be back untill july. so thats cool. I have been asked to speak on a panel at sloss Southern iron art conference and fought a nearly to the death battle with verizon internet access. screw them. they are perhaps the worst company i have ever dealt with. I wanted to blog my fight with them, but didnt have the internet for like 3 months...

I hope i will be back writing crap like this for nobody though. ( thats not true at all, Hi dad.)

PS for more fun stuff enfuego, check out the following things UMCPMFAand soy un terrapin!