This is a question that alot of people lie about. I personally wish that I could say i didn't, but I do. I watch TV most weeknights from 2-4 in the morning. I havent always. When i was in Undergraduate I PAwned my TV and used the money to buy Fugazi instrument, only to realize i had no tv to watch it on...
Either way, my favorite part of TV is the commercials. Every so often there is something admirable but usually I cannot believe that there are people who spend money on this crap. lets see whats on tonight
I used to bag on the axe perfume or cologne whatever. Advertizing to losers like me by showing skinny kinda average joe with hordes of women throwing themselves at him because of his artificial smell.
Brilliant yes, but not as good as their new campaign, which promises to wash away the sins of sleeping with questionable people, which i think happens a lot more than the former scenario. Thats the way things usually go for me, but i have never used the axe products.
Hydroxy cut, pills to lose weight. Bullshit. if you want to lose weight, Mr rollins had it nailed with the 7 word diet Eat less, Eat better, Move your body.
Ok, so next Diamonds Fuck diamonds. Period. Through politiacal pressure and tactics which border on slavery or genocide a few wealthy families have pumped money out of impoverished nations in africa, by convincing materialistic goons in the us and europe that a not that uncommon or rare stone is the official symbol of love. trust me dude if she won't go down on you before the diamond, it probably wont make a difference.
And lastly a girl trying on clothes and listening to black eyed peas song "My humps" what a shitty song. fergie ruined the black eyed peas. Followed by one with a hockey team that gets psyched by listening to yellowcard. What kind of limp dick hockey team gets psyched listening to a whiny violin "punk" complaining about heartbreak. what kind of hockey team listens to yellow card at all ? I bet the kind that gets thier asses kicked by the team that plays slayer in thier locker room.
and with that I am out, Sorry for the errors,i am too tired to proofread or even spellcheck this post, go ahead and leave corrections in the comments.
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