... constantly working out the details...

... constantly working out the details...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


So, this is my new plan: Pending approval, I am going to compose the written part of my thesis for MFA on this site. The various issues i feel I am dealing with will be addressed in a sort Of public Forumn, Open for comment and critique. The vast majority of the thesis will be represented, as you can guess by the actual work tangible artworks, which will be on display sometime in mid april in the University of Maryland Art Gallery. As I go along, Hopefully you will be updated as far as my progress is concerned, with both philosophicals as well as technical concerns, adjustments and breakthroughs. Images, diagrams and process information all should be included in this process. As a part of my community, I ask that you respond accordingly to the writings. be mindful however that things you say might make it into a final publication.

Why blog this thesis? I began this page three years ago as a means of writing Reviews of DC area exhibitions for Jack Livingston, as a means of fufilling the requirements for graduate colloquium. Over the past three years I have used it to promote events, review exhibitions, communicate thoughts and ideas, document work, and transmit information about myself To The U.S. while studying in Estonia. The long and short of it is that incidentally, this website has served as a loose record of my graduate research.
In general, I feel that the work I am currently making is a changing and evolving product. While I am working two new pieces to complement the existing ones, the launching points are as much in a state of fluxus as the pieces themselves.

What runs though the mind?

I feel as though these pieces have a very taoist Passive/aggressive feel to them more than anything. The Idea of wind supporting the material, and material conquering the air.

The viewer is an active, even if unwilling participant in the sculpture, the piece exixts without them, but potential is only recieved through thier prescence.

As we forage into the age of the Iphone, unlimited suvailance, Google, photoshop, Auto cad, and hybrid synergy drive, has the value of handmade work evaporated? where is the videotape? where are the sculptors chisels? what happened to all of the darkrooms? Is our reliance on technology ruining our curiosity? Why should I make anything by hand anymore?

There is something undeniably sexual about these works. Why would this continue to come, Is it something inherent in the forms, or vise versa? or... which came first, the taboo or the desire?

what else?

to be continues and spell checked at a later date.

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